Friday, May 3, 2013
I feel that one should not give up, one should not give in... else whatever happens can only blame it on himself/herself. And this girl of my age proved it! By not giving up, she came out stronger than before... I slightly stalked her, and her blog put me to shame because she is really so talented in art. :)
Do visit and be in awe!
But I will not stop doing what I am because I like making art pieces~ HAHA! Just let me grow old and die with them $0 value. I don't careeeee.... Just kidding. I guess my reason of drawing/crafting/whatever is to vent my emotions. "Be it happy - express my appreciation towards a friend, sad - painting my broken heart, or anger - tearing a shirt apart and use it as raw material." - this will be my answer to what I want to impart to my students if NIE interview ask me again. I want to teach them how to express themselves through art and from making art, the importance of all those academic subjects (Math, Science, etc) in contributing to perfecting the strokes, tones and proportions...
Monday, March 11, 2013
5 more years...
In terms of career, I have already made up my mind. Recent news of teacher-student relationships disgust and instils fear in me... What were they thinking? The latest one actually happened to a Primary School teacher! O.O Will they disapprove female teachers from now on?
In terms of looks, I have a lot to work on but it is so far all talks and no actions... T___T
In terms of interests, I sort-of talked to Bry. about my interest on mission trips. But due to my free-thinker-not-christian state and lack of experience, I will start with giving free tuitions before my IA. I regretted not replying to my CrisisMgmt Professor when he asked for volunteers last semester... Somehow I am a magnet for people with emotional issues and having gone through it, I know how important it is for someone to provide assurance and warmth. Maybe it is a sign? I recalled a vision many years ago but maybe it was paintbrush instead of guitar I was holding? haha...
Darn! I wanna achieve something before.... that day comes...
These are my favourite things~~~
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Gardens by the bay
COunting down to CNY
However, I was depressed because it occurred to me that I am merely a copier. My mood improved after I managed to doodle the cartoon animals and received many many likes on Facebook . :D
Also helped to decorate my house walls but it was more difficult than I thought...
Wanted to come out with something red but some animals are not identifiable. :(
Came out with a glass deco and gosh! Luckily I came out with two copies because this first attempted ended up falling onto the ground and sticking together.
The question also arose when it dawn upon me that I was supposed to decorate the wall. So I tried to imitate some papercuts and ended up with 对联。
Monday, January 21, 2013
R.I.P HamHam
My family's chubby, lazy, greedy but always clean HamHam died yesterday. It was hard to accept especially when we saw how it continued to live, eat and clean itself despite the lumps and hunchback. Such a strong warrior, chose to die in its favourite orange ball with its back facing us. Maybe it knew we will be sad / scared seeing it with the lumps on its tummy and neck thus dying in that position? Come to think of it, Pudding was running around frantically the night before, as though it wanted to tell me something. I sensed it was about Ham but didn't have the courage to check although I told my sister about it.
Ham was never much a hassle and it never bite. It never "complained" and cooperated every time we cleaned its cage. It is a miracle as we never tried to tempt but it naturally didn't bite us, as quoted from my sister.
We called over the cremation service officer who was nice enough to travel down despite being after collection hours and didn't charge extra. It was really hard to believe that Ham Ham is really gone. Bye, my fluffy little friend and I am really sorry to not be around during your last few hours. In fact, I should have noticed the weather and provided u with wool and more food earlier... :'(
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Sentosa Chalet
Birthday doodle
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Random 2013 resolution
人比人 气死人
争论纠纷 离间人
非必要时 少说话
多听 多看 多理解
今日事 今日毕
莫自大 懂分寸
知足 思源 永长乐
谦虚 有礼 遇贵人
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Fix the cupboard 2
Just a "before" and "after" comparison. Tempted to polka dot the accessories holders as well but I was too tired.
Anyway, you're right if you guessed that the "draw snake add leg" drawer is removed. :)
DIY Make me a Stationary holder !
First, I wrapped it with white paper so that the hamster images don't haunt my stationary. Note to self, do this using paper used on one side next time!
Next, I pasted strips of color papers bought originally to make stars but my fat fingers cannot achieve. I still pasted white color paper despite the background already being white to ensure similar texture and avoid looking like there is a gap.
Pasted flowers and golden ribbon to cover flaws such as gaps between color papers. It turned out to be so pretty in my opinion! :P
Lastly, I pasted a label declaring my ownership. Muahahaha! Done I'm less than an hour and mostly reused materials! Cost: $0!
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
DIY fix the cupboard!
Took me a long time and note to self, pen knife is your best friend. But it is still hard to control and brought back my childhood nightmare of how my finger almost dropped off. Anyway, I switched back to my old friend - scissors - when I needed to cut some designs.
Very satisfied with the overall results but if I were to rate - it is still 2 out of 5...
Friday, January 4, 2013
Henna for friend's wedding! :D
Anyways, I had Henna before in Secondary School so was quite cool with the idea. However, it was until I sat in front of the Henna artist and saw how rapid and without hesitant the drawing goes, yet the art is so flawlessly beautiful, my jaws dropped. Though I preferred Janice's design but.. oh well, it is my friend's treat so no complaints ok? But then again, bride's design is the best la. I am so gonna study on the history of Henna and draw out some designs using acrylic. Oh ya... also went to buy some glass painting. Hope to update soon! ^^
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Updating Portfolio to 2.0
Inspirations (Tangs Christmas magazine)