Friday, May 3, 2013


OMG! Should be studying for the upcoming exam but this video I watched through a share on FB really inspired me:

I feel that one should not give up, one should not give in... else whatever happens can only blame it on himself/herself. And this girl of my age proved it! By not giving up, she came out stronger than before... I slightly stalked her, and her blog put me to shame because she is really so talented in art. :)

Do visit and be in awe!

But I will not stop doing what I am because I like making art pieces~ HAHA! Just let me grow old and die with them $0 value. I don't careeeee.... Just kidding. I guess my reason of drawing/crafting/whatever is to vent my emotions. "Be it happy - express my appreciation towards a friend, sad - painting my broken heart, or anger - tearing a shirt apart and use it as raw material." - this will be my answer to what I want to impart to my students if NIE interview ask me again. I want to teach them how to express themselves through art and from making art, the importance of all those academic subjects (Math, Science, etc) in contributing to perfecting the strokes, tones and proportions...