Thursday, October 27, 2011

Precious Moments photo shoots

Took some courage to open the cupboard FULLY stuffed with my precious moment figurines. Luckily, there weren't spider webs nor insect eggs inside.

Since my Precious Moment figurines never had photo shoot by a REAL camera (the photo in my facebook photo album are taken by an average handphone camera), I decided to give each of them a second chance to "look good".

Here they are~

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Trip to Cameron Highlands

To celebrate my first anniversary with BBF, and since Zinkie needed to sell the tickets, BBF and I went for our first 2D1N unofficial honeymoon at Cameron Highlands.

It was a rather eventful trip full of lessons to learn, especially the lesson on not to visit the night market during a rainy day. Reason: You will be soaking wet, and unable to shop peacefully.

Here are some pics that I feel are really beautiful and would like to humbly share:-

Friday, October 14, 2011

Happy Birthday YC aka Yuki Nagato~

Didn't managed to find a suitable present for her and Steph only gonna make a card for her next week, so I decided to draw something for her...

Thought she might like it since she asked me to draw more pictures of Yuki for her.

Thanks Min for helping me take this picture via her iPhone in a rush. :p